Grocery Shopping

Today Gail and I went to the grocery store called "Jumbo".  It is a little bit like WalMart in that it has more than just groceries.  It is much bigger than our little store on the corner.
We took the public bus which cost one peso (about 47 cents) per person each way.
These buses are nice but always very crowded, especially when you are loaded down with groceries on the way home.   We have learned to take our backpack to carry some of the heavier groceries.
The Jumbo store is about a 30 minute bus ride (it makes a lot of stops to let people on and off) and is located in an outdoor mall.
You can tell when you get there because it has this big sail fish in front of it.
The stores in the mall are American type stores with a lot of kiosks selling souvenirs out front on the sidewalk.  There is a Pizza Hut and a Burger King there too.
I thought the handicapped parking was unique...
When we first got there we went into the part of the store that is separate from the food.  You won't believe what we found!
to be continued.....................
If you try to include too many pictures it is difficult for the blogger program to down load the data so I will show pictures of the grocery store and give an idea of prices next time.


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